Ask any Grand Rapids real estate agent: when is the most crucial time when you’re selling your home? Most will tell you it’s the two weeks immediately after listing. As soon as that listing is created, it’s like someone punches a big stopwatch and says “Go!” Nearly every home will see the most traffic within the first two weeks after it comes on the market – about four times as much traffic as subsequent weeks.
The reason is this: If a buyer has been shopping for a while, and your home comes on the market and meets a buyer’s criteria, they will want to see it. 92% of homebuyers start their house hunt online, and because many people set their searches to show the homes that are newest on the market, your home will get exponentially more views online in first few days. However, the only way a potential buyer will ever get in the car to come see your home is if the online listing is clear and compelling, with great pictures.
The job of your Grand Rapids real estate agent is to make sure your home does show up on those searches – that it’s priced competitively, and that the many attractive features of your home are accurately described. It’s also important that your agent markets your home to a network of other agents and buyers, and is available and accessible as questions and offers come in. An experienced real estate agent should be able to put in the extra effort and give your home an extra marketing push during that crucial time period.
What can a homeowner do to really set their home apart during that first two weeks? Prepare. There are 3 main ways to make sure your home sale gets off to a good start:
The quicker you can sell your home, the quicker you will be able to get on to your next adventure, without having to be concerned about keeping your home spotless and available for showings. Take advantage of the bump your home will receive during the first 2 weeks, and make sure you’re working with the right Grand Rapids real estate agent. Contact The Sprich Group for a free Home Valuation today.
Photo: Dafne Cholet ( some rights reserved )
Realtor Tom Sprich goes the extra mile to help you achieve your goals.
That’s why Tom constantly researches the real estate market and property values so your home is priced effectively from day one. Tom also makes certain the public knows your home is for sale by using innovative advertising and marketing techniques and The Sprich Group’s web site to attract potential buyers.
How we love our gift from the two of you! The drawing will always remind us of our Maryland home and the thoughtful "givers". I think we will name our new gift... "Done in a Day", as you sold our
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