When people contact a Grand Rapids real estate agent looking for an executive home, there are usually certain features that are top of mind. It’s interesting to see how those features differ from person to person, and also how they have changed over time. Some of yesterday’s trendy must-have features may be on most buyers’ “do not want” list now.
Executive homes trends drive the rest of the market to some extent. Remember when granite counter tops were only found in the most elegant homes? Somewhere along the line they became a common and almost expected kitchen upgrade.
Below are some of the features that are currently likely to be on executive home buyers’ “must have” or the “highly desired” features lists:
These popular executive home features attract home buyers and close deals. Again, though, every buyer’s needs a different, so it’s important to go over your priorities with your Grand Rapids real estate agent before you set out in search of a home. If you’re in the market for a new home, or considering some targeted upgrades before you sell, make sure you work with a Grand Rapids real estate agent who is familiar with the market and with current trends. Contact The Sprich Group today.
Photo: Grant C
Realtor Tom Sprich goes the extra mile to help you achieve your goals.
That’s why Tom constantly researches the real estate market and property values so your home is priced effectively from day one. Tom also makes certain the public knows your home is for sale by using innovative advertising and marketing techniques and The Sprich Group’s web site to attract potential buyers.
How we love our gift from the two of you! The drawing will always remind us of our Maryland home and the thoughtful "givers". I think we will name our new gift... "Done in a Day", as you sold our
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