If you're a homeowner that's never sold a home before, then the prospect of listing your house on the market can be quite a challenge. Unfortunately, selling a house is not as easy as just plunking down a for-sale sign in the front yard. There's a lot to do, especially if you want to receive fair market value for your property, not to mention to ensure that you sell your house quickly. The longer it takes to sell your house, the more expensive it will get for you -- especially if you've already moved and you're now paying for two mortgages. With that in mind, the following are five important tips on how to sell your home:
1. Know When To List Your House
There are going to be situations in which you may have to put your house up for sale right away. However, if time is on your side, you should pay attention to the local real estate market before listing your house. In general, selling during spring and summer means that there will be more buyers. But the conditions of your local real estate market are more important. If it's a buyer's market, it means that there's little demand and buyers have the upper hand. If it's a seller's market, it means there's greater demand and a lower supply, which means you'll have negotiating power and will likely be able to sell quicker and for more.
2. Determine The Market Value
Setting the right price for your house is critical. If you ask for too much, it will sit on the market unsold, thereby losing you money over time. If you ask for too little, you'll lose money on the sale. To find the right price, you need to look at "comps" in your area. Comps are properties that are similar to yours. Look at comps that sold in your neighborhood in the last six months to determine what you can expect to sell your house for.
3. Stage Your House
Staging your home is important for a number of reasons. First of all, it makes your listing more attractive. Staged photographs give potential buyers a better idea of what each room is used for and the scale of each room. Secondly, a staged home gives buyers who are touring your house an idea of how they can furnish the house and makes it easier for them to imagine themselves living there.
4. Invest In Repairs And Renovations
Even the smallest issues should be fixed before you begin showing your home. Something like a loose doorknob may not seem like a big deal, but buyers may start wondering if there are other problems with the house as a result. Larger repairs should be done immediately or else they can hurt the value of your house. Finally, it can be worth the money to invest in renovations, such as repainting the walls or upgrading kitchen cabinet hardware. Even small renovations can make your home more attractive and potentially boost its value.
5. Work With A Real Estate Agent
A local real estate agent will have their finger on the pulse of the local real estate market. They can give you expert advice on how to prepare your house for sale and what to ask for it. On top of that, they have an extensive network that they can rely on to help you find motivated buyers.
If you're moving to Grand Rapids and need to sell your house, or you're looking to sell your Grand Rapids home, then these tips on how to sell your home are essential. For help selling your home, be sure to contact The Sprich Group. We have over 20 years of real estate experience in the Grand Rapids area.
Realtor Tom Sprich goes the extra mile to help you achieve your goals.
That’s why Tom constantly researches the real estate market and property values so your home is priced effectively from day one. Tom also makes certain the public knows your home is for sale by using innovative advertising and marketing techniques and The Sprich Group’s web site to attract potential buyers.
How we love our gift from the two of you! The drawing will always remind us of our Maryland home and the thoughtful "givers". I think we will name our new gift... "Done in a Day", as you sold our
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